Frameby | thatsojuly - İzlenenler
Hayat Güzeldir (La vita è bella) (1997)
Sil Baştan (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind) (2004)
İhtiyar Delikanlı (Oldeuboi) (2003)
Ay (Moon) (2009)
Pocahontas (1995)
Shazam! 6 Güç (Shazam!) (2019)
Komşum bir katil (The Whole Nine Yards) (2000)
Kazablanka (Casablanca) (1942)
Örümcek-Adam: Evden Uzakta (Spider-Man: Far from Home) (2019)
Ralph ve İnternet - Oyunbozan Ralph 2 (Ralph Breaks the Internet) (2018)
Oyuncak Hikâyesi 4 (Toy Story 4) (2019)
Ritüel (Midsommar) (2019)
Thelma (2017)
Kapan (Get Out) (2017)
Onur Savaşı (Jagten) (2012)
Sinav (Exam) (2006)
Azınlık raporu (Minority Report) (2002)
Dunkirk (Bodega Bay) (2017)
12 Öfkeli Adam (12 Angry Men) (1957)
İki Papa (The Two Popes) (2019)
Ye dua et sev (Eat Pray Love) (2010)
Roma (2018)
Venom: Zehirli Öfke (Venom) (2018)
En Karanlık Saat (Darkest Hour) (2017)
Parazit (Gisaengchung) (2019)
İrlandalı (The Irishman) (2019)
Para Avcısı (The Wolf of Wall Street) (2013)
Köstebek (The Departed) (2006)
Casino (1995)
Sıkı Dostlar (Goodfellas) (1990)