Frameby | kallehari - Beğenilenler
Shine (1996)
Gizemli yabancı (Hearts in Atlantis) (2001)
Toprağın Tuzu (The Salt of the Earth) (2014)
Perfect Days (2023)
Paris, Texas (1984)
Protesto - Nefret (La haine) (1995)
Konsey (Conclave) (2024)
Pigen med nålen (The Girl with the Needle) (2024)
El abrazo de la serpiente (Embrace of the Serpent) (2015)
Kurban (Offret) (1986)
Berlin Üzerindeki Gökyüzü (Der Himmel über Berlin) (1987)
Kutsal İncirin Tohumu (Dane-ye anjir-e ma'abed) (2024)
Su Perisi (Parthenope) (2024)
Gladyatör (Gladiator) (2000)
Mukadderat (2024)
Bir Salyangozun Anıları (Memoir of a Snail) (2024)
Merhaba dünya (Being There) (1979)
Gençlik (Youth) (2015)
Cevher (The Substance) (2024)
Chlopi (The Peasants) (2023)
The Zone of Interest (2023)
El conde (2023)
Cinayet Süsü (2019)
Under the Tuscan Sun (2003)
Diyalog (Dialogue) (2021)
Killers of the Flower Moon (2023)
Kuru Otlar Üstüne (About Dry Grasses) (2023)
Yeni Baştan (La Belle Époque) (2019)
Küçük Beyaz Yalanlar Devam Ediyor (Nous finirons ensemble) (2019)
Oppenheimer (2023)