Frameby | seymakiris - İzlenenler
Succession (2018 - 2023)
Babil (Babylon) (2022)
Ritüel (Midsommar) (2019)
Cloverfield Yolu No: 10 (10 Cloverfield Lane) (2016)
Killing Eve (2018 - 2022)
The Penguin (2024)
Tepedeki Ev (Kokuriko-zaka kara) (2011)
Kefaret (Atonement) (2007)
Yürüyen şato (Hauru no ugoku shiro) (2004)
Ruhların Kaçışı (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi) (2001)
Lucy (2014)
Heojil kyolshim (Decision to Leave) (2022)
Fractured (2019)
303 (2018)
Cebimdeki Yabanci (Stranger in My Pocket) (2018)
Uglies (2024)
Duvara karşı (Gegen die Wand) (2004)
Rüzgârı Dizginleyen Çocuk (The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind) (2019)
Prens (The Prince) (2023 - )
Love, Death & Robots (2019 - )
Koko (Coco) (2017)
Medea (1969)
Shôgun (Shōgun) (2024)
Kuru Otlar Üstüne (About Dry Grasses) (2023)
Gündüz güzeli (Belle de jour) (1967)
Luckiest Girl Alive (2022)
Perfect Days (2023)
Ricky Gervais: Armageddon (2023)
Poor Things (2023)
Roter Himmel (Afire) (2023)