Frameby | Nautilus - İzlenenler
Heisei tanuki gassen ponpoko (Pom Poko) (1994)
Willoughby Ailesi (The Willoughbys) (2020)
Trainspotting (1996)
Klaus: Sihirli Plan (Klaus) (2019)
Talihsiz Serüvenler Dizisi (A Series of Unfortunate Events) (2004)
Masumiyet (Innocence) (1997)
Cinayet Süsü (2019)
Persona (1966)
Kono sekai no katasumi ni (In This Corner of the World) (2016)
İki Papa (The Two Popes) (2019)
Platform (El hoyo) (2019)
Okja (2017)
Omohide poro poro (Only Yesterday) (1991)
Kırmızı Kanatlar (Kurenai no buta) (1992)
Kasaba (The Small Town) (1997)
Her Şeyin Teorisi (The Theory of Everything) (2014)
Rupan sansei: Kariosutoro no shiro (The Castle of Cagliostro) (1979)
Demir Adam (Iron Man) (2008)
Zamana Karşı (In Time) (2011)
Zincirsiz (Django Unchained) (2012)
Full Metal Jacket (1987)
Organize Isler (Magic Carpet Ride) (2005)
Veda (Farewell) (2010)
Gönül Yarası (Gönül Yarasi) (2005)
Buz devri 3 - Dinozorların şafağı (Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs) (2009)
Âşık Shakespeare (Shakespeare in Love) (1998)
Sevmek Zamani (Time to Love) (1965)
Matrix: Yeniden Yüklendi (The Matrix Reloaded) (2003)
Minyonlar (Minions) (2015)
Halk Düşmanları (Public Enemies) (2009)