Frameby | trevor - İzlenenler
Salgın (Contagion) (2011)
Kayıp Aranıyor (Searching) (2018)
Fakülte (The Faculty) (1998)
Next in Fashion (2020)
Parazit (Gisaengchung) (2019)
Başlat (Ready Player One) (2018)
Alita: Savaş Meleği (Alita: Battle Angel) (2019)
Gaga: Five Foot Two (2017)
Dracula (2020)
Çiğ (Grave) (2016)
Alev Almış Bir Genç Kızın Portresi (Portrait de la jeune fille en feu) (2019)
Yağmur Altında (Singin' in the Rain) (1952)
Kabustan Gelen (Before I Wake) (2016)
Ölümsüz aşk (The Crow) (1994)
Noviembre (November) (2003)
Where'd You Go, Bernadette (2019)
The Founder (2016)
Evlilik Hikayesi (Marriage Story) (2019)
Fractured (2019)
The Little Death (A Funny Kind of Love) (2014)
Stonehearst Asylum (2014)
Nefesini Tut (The Breath Holder) (2018)
Aşk (Amour) (2012)
Görünmeyen Misafir (Contratiempo) (2016)
İçeride (Shut In) (2016)
Işıklar Sönünce (Lights Out) (2016)
Kayıp Çocuk (The Captive) (2014)
Mor Yıllar (The Color Purple) (1985)
Yaşamak İçin (Alive) (1993)
Silinmis Çocuk (Boy Erased) (2018)