Frameby | sisyphos77 - İzlenenler
Lanet 2 (Sinister 2) (2015)
Lanet (Sinister) (2012)
Baba (The Father) (2020)
Subarashiki nichiyôbi (One Wonderful Sunday) (1947)
Pandas: The Journey Home (2014)
Pavyon (Pavilion) (2019)
Adalet Birliği (Zack Snyder) (Zack Snyder's Justice League) (2021)
7YUZ (Seven Faces) (2017)
Köpek Yılı (A Dog Year) (2009)
Blue Jay (2016)
Küçük Seyler (La Belle Indifference) (2019)
Parazit (Gisaengchung) (2019)
I May Destroy You (2020)
Yetenekli Genç Kadın (Promising Young Woman) (2020)
Bonding (2018 - 2021)
Nomadland (2020)
Pokémon Dedektif Pikachu (Pokémon: Detective Pikachu) (2019)
Amerikan Tanrıları (American Gods) (2017 - 2021)
Mahallenin Bazi Kedileri (2019)
Anton Tchékhov 1890 (2015)
Rick and Morty (2013 - )
Yaşamın kıyısında (Auf der anderen Seite) (2007)
Rose Adası'nın İnanılmaz Hikâyesi (L'incredibile storia dell'isola delle rose) (2020)
Soul (2020)
Masum (Innocent) (2017)
Westworld (2016 - 2022)
Azizler (Stuck Apart) (2021)
Tau (2018)
Yeni Baştan (La Belle Époque) (2019)
Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)