David Thewlis's movies and tv series

Sherlock & Daughter (2025 - )
Avatar: Fire and Ash (2025)
The Artful Dodger (2023 - )
Avatar: The Way of Water (2022)
Human Resources (2022 - 2023)
The Amazing Maurice (2022)
Enola Holmes 2 (2022)
Landscapers (2021)
I'm Thinking of Ending Things (2020)
The Feed (2019)
Guest of Honour (2019)
The Mercy (Deep Water) (2018)
Wonder Woman (2017)
Anomalisa (2015)
An Inspector Calls (2015)
Regression (2015)
Queen & Country (Queen and Country) (2014)
Stonehearst Asylum (2014)
The Theory of Everything (2014)
The Zero Theorem (2013)
The Fifth Estate (2013)
RED 2 (2013)
Anonymous (2011)
War Horse (2011)
The Lady (2011)
London Boulevard (2010)
Mr. Nice (2010)
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (2008)
The Inner Life of Martin Frost (2007)
Basic Instinct 2 (2006)
The New World (2005)
Kingdom of Heaven (2005)
Timeline (2003)
Goodbye Charlie Bright (2001)
Gangster No. 1 (2000)
Whatever Happened to Harold Smith? (1999)
L'assedio (Besieged) (1998)
Divorcing Jack (1998)
American Perfekt (1997)
Seven Years in Tibet (1997)
James and the Giant Peach (1996)
DragonHeart (1996)
The Island of Dr. Moreau (1996)
Restoration (1995)
Total Eclipse (1995)
Black Beauty (1994)
Naked (1993)
Prime Suspect 3 (1993)
The Trial (1993)
Afraid of the Dark (1991)
Life Is Sweet (1990)
The Short & Curlies (1987)