Daniel Brühl oynadığı filmler ve diziler

Eden (2024)
Becoming Karl Lagerfeld (2024)
Race to Glory - Audi vs Lancia (2024)
Im Westen nichts Neues (All Quiet on the Western Front) (2022)
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021)
Kingsman 3: İlk Görev (The King's Man) (2021)
Kızım Zoe (My Zoe) (2019)
Entebbe'de 7 Gün (Entebbe) (2018)
Ruh Avcısı (The Alienist) (2018 - 2020)
Cloverfield Paradoksu (The Cloverfield Paradox) (2018)
Umut Bahçesi (The Zookeeper's Wife) (2017)
Alone in Berlin (2016)
Ich und Kaminski (Me and Kaminski) (2015)
Altınlı Kadın (Woman in Gold) (2015)
Çok Pişmiş (Burnt) (2015)
Colonia (The Colony) (2015)
The Face of an Angel (2014)
İnsan Avı (A Most Wanted Man) (2014)
Wikileaks: Beşinci Kuvvet (The Fifth Estate) (2013)
Zafere Hücum (Rush) (2013)
Şanslı Sayılar (The Pelayos) (2012)
New York'ta 2 Gün (2 Days in New York) (2012)
Der ganz große Traum (Lessons of a Dream) (2011)
Et si on vivait tous ensemble? (All Together) (2011)
Eva (2011)
Davetsiz Misafirler (Intruders) (2011)
Die kommenden Tage (The Coming Days) (2010)
Kóngavegur (King's Road) (2010)
Lila, Lila (My Words, My Lies - My Love) (2009)
Soysuzlar Çetesi (Inglourious Basterds) (2009)
Son kahraman (John Rabe) (2009)
Kontes (The Countess) (2009)
Krabat (Krabat and the Legend of the Satanic Mill) (2008)
Kamp (In Tranzit) (2008)
Paris'te 2 gün (2 Days in Paris) (2007)
Salvador (Puig Antich) (Salvador) (2006)
Cargo (Escape[us]) (2006)
Ein Freund von mir (A Friend of Mine) (2006)
Ateşkes (Joyeux Noël) (2005)
Lavanta kokulu kadınlar (Ladies in Lavender) (2004)
Was nützt die Liebe in Gedanken (Love in Thoughts) (2004)
Eğitmenler (Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei) (2004)
Elveda Lenin! (Good Bye Lenin!) (2003)
Vaya con Dios (2002)
Nichts bereuen (No Regrets) (2001)
Das weiße Rauschen (The White Sound) (2001)
Schule (No More School) (2000)