Frameby | Passisimple - İzlenecekler
Tenenbaum ailesi (The Royal Tenenbaums) (2001)
Berberian Sound Studio (2012)
Ben, Kendim ve Annem (Les garçons et Guillaume, à table!) (2013)
aşkın gücü (What Dreams May Come) (1998)
Kocası ve Aşığı (La règle du jeu) (1939)
Harb Esirleri (La grande illusion) (1937)
Limonata (Lemonade) (2015)
İlk ve Son aşkım (Seeking a Friend for the End of the World) (2012)
Priscilla Çöller Kraliçesi (The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert) (1994)
Kalifornia (1993)
Benim Güzel Idaho'm (My Own Private Idaho) (1991)
Vahşi Duygular (Wild at Heart) (1990)
The Sure Thing (1985)
Scarecrow (1973)
Easy Rider (1969)
aşk yolu (Two for the Road) (1967)
Mavi Yasemin (Blue Jasmine) (2013)
Manhattan (1979)
Dört Nikâh Bir Cenaze (Four Weddings and a Funeral) (1994)
Koleksiyoncu Kadın (La collectionneuse) (1967)
Aşk Muharebesi (Mr. & Mrs. Smith) (1941)
The Trouble with Harry (1955)
Esrar perdesi (Torn Curtain) (1966)
Aile Oyunu (Family Plot) (1976)
5. Güç (Le Cinquième Élément) (1997)
Tahlisiye sandalı - Yaşamak istiyoruz (Lifeboat) (1944)
Tehlikeli Adam (The Man Who Knew Too Much) (1956)
Lekeli adam (The Wrong Man) (1956)
Colour Me Kubrick: A True...ish Story (Color Me Kubrick) (2005)
Kabare - Elveda Berlin (Cabaret) (1972)