Frameby | sisyphos77 - Beğenilenler
The Party (2017)
Blair cadısı (The Blair Witch Project) (1999)
Yeniden Başla (Demolition) (2015)
İçgüdü (Instinct) (1999)
The Post (2017)
Misafir (The Visitor) (2007)
Camdan Kale (The Glass Castle) (2017)
Çavdar Tarlasındaki Asi (Rebel in the Rye) (2017)
Kırmızı balon (Le ballon rouge) (1956)
Phobidilia (2009)
Aile Arasinda (In the Family) (2017)
Anne! (Mother!) (2017)
Paris, Texas (1984)
Testere III (Saw III) (2006)
Testere (Saw) (2004)
Punch-Drunk Love (2002)
Özgürlük Yazarları (Freedom Writers) (2007)
Maudie (2016)
Dot the I (2003)
Çiğ (Grave) (2016)
Başka Hatunlarla Muhabbetler (Conversations with Other Women) (2005)
Zelig (1983)
Abe (2013)
Kelebek etkisi (The Butterfly Effect) (2004)
Utanç (Shame) (2011)
Hayallerin peşinde (Revolutionary Road) (2008)
Hayatın içinden (The Station Agent) (2003)
Bizim Büyük Çaresizligimiz (Our Grand Despair) (2011)
The Little Death (A Funny Kind of Love) (2014)
Stajyer (The Intern) (2015)