Frameby | salinger - İzlenenler
Geçmişin Gölgesinde (American History X) (1998)
İhtiyarlara yer yok (No Country for Old Men) (2007)
Charlie'nin çikolata fabrikası (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) (2005)
Sihirbaz (The Illusionist) (2006)
Guguk Kuşu (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) (1975)
Soldaki son ev (The Last House on the Left) (2009)
Korku kapanı (Wrong Turn) (2003)
Sucker Punch (2011)
Asla pes etme (Never Back Down) (2008)
Kazablanka (Casablanca) (1942)
Av Mevsimi (Hunting Season) (2010)
Şeytan (The Exorcist) (1973)
Er Ryan'ı Kurtarmak (Saving Private Ryan) (1998)
Makinist (The Machinist) (2004)
Koku: Bir Katilin Hikâyesi (Perfume: The Story of a Murderer) (2006)
Otel (Hostel) (2005)
Piyanist (The Pianist) (2002)
Amelie (Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain) (2001)
Prestij (The Prestige) (2006)
Yedi (Se7en) (1995)
Zoraki Kral (The King's Speech) (2010)
Umudunu kaybetme (The Pursuit of Happyness) (2006)
Ucuz Roman (Pulp Fiction) (1994)
Maske (The Mask) (1994)
Wanted (2008)
Sefiller (Les Misérables) (2012)
Gözlerindeki Sır (El secreto de sus ojos) (2009)
Sessiz tepe (Silent Hill) (2006)
Oyuncu (Gamer) (2009)
Git başımdan! (Due Date) (2010)