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Idi i smotri (Come and See) (1985)
La Belle Époque (La belle époque) (2019)
L'extraordinaire voyage de Marona (2019)
Les choses de la vie (Les Choses de la Vie) (1970)
Keiner liebt mich (Nobody Loves Me) (1994)
Le notti di Cabiria (Nights of Cabiria) (1957)
Relic (2020)
Bara no sôretsu (Funeral Parade of Roses) (1969)
Ordet (1955)
Call Me by Your Name (2017)
Un homme qui dort (The Man Who Sleeps) (1974)
Una giornata particolare (A Special Day) (1977)
Anayurt Oteli (Motherland Hotel) (1987)
Ai qing wan sui (Vive L'Amour) (1994)
Angst essen Seele auf (Ali: Fear Eats the Soul) (1974)
Nothing Personal (2009)
I'm Thinking of Ending Things (2020)
Amarcord (1973)
Gaav (The Cow) (1969)
Vargtimmen (Hour of the Wolf) (1968)
Suna no onna (Woman of the Dunes) (1964)
Bronenosets Potyomkin (Battleship Potemkin) (1925)
Monster (2003)
Apocalypse Now (Apocalypse Now: Final Cut) (1979)
The Red Shoes (1948)
Ben O Degilim (I Am Not Him) (2013)
Rashômon (Rashomon) (1950)
Pauline à la plage (Pauline at the Beach) (1983)
Ai no korîda (In the Realm of the Senses) (1976)
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018)