Frameby | kadifekirpik - İzlenecekler
Bir Salyangozun Anıları (Memoir of a Snail) (2024)
Comic Book Confidential (Comic Book Confidential CD-ROM) (1988)
Sınırsızlar Kulübü (Dallas Buyers Club) (2013)
Köstebek (El Topo) (1970)
Yüzüklerin Efendisi (The Lord of the Rings) (1978)
La voz humana (2020)
Manhattan'da sihir (Enchanted) (2007)
La planète sauvage (Fantastic Planet) (1973)
Yenilmezler: Ultron Çağı (Avengers: Age of Ultron) (2015)
Beyaz Kaplan (The White Tiger) (2021)
Kelebek (Papillon) (1973)
Papillon (2017)
Suspiria (1977)
Gençlik Ahdi (Testament of Youth) (2014)
Süt Dişi (Babyteeth) (2019)
Soul (2020)
Dunkirk (Bodega Bay) (2017)
L'appartement (The Apartment) (1996)
Piyano (The Piano) (1993)
Suspiria (2018)
Çölde çay (The Sheltering Sky) (1990)
Ferdinand (2017)
Interiors (1978)
Gizli Teşkilât (North by Northwest) (1959)
Tek başına bir adam (A Single Man) (2009)
Amcam (Mon oncle) (1958)
Amerikan sapığı (American Psycho) (2000)
Playtime (1967)
Nefret (Le mépris) (1963)
Sahtekâr (Changeling) (2008)