Frameby | elifburann - İzlenecekler
Ask Filmlerinin Unutulmaz Yönetmeni (The Unforgettable Director of Love Movies) (1990)
Fahriye Abla (1984)
Biutiful (2010)
Otobüs (The Bus) (1975)
Serial Experiments Lain (1998)
Cehennemin anatomisi - Romans 2 (Anatomie de l'enfer) (2004)
The Century of the Self (2002)
Before the Flood (2016)
Ellis (2015)
Narayama türküsü (Narayama bushikô) (1983)
Mary Shelley'den Frankenstein (Mary Shelley's Frankenstein) (1994)
Umuda yolculuk (Reise der Hoffnung) (1990)
Salo ya da Sodom'un 120 Günü (Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma) (1975)
Poesía sin fin (Endless Poetry) (2016)
Bela (Borgman) (2013)
Rüya (Bimong) (2008)
12. Gece (Twelfth Night or What You Will) (1996)
Donnie Darko - Karanlık Yolculuk (Donnie Darko) (2001)
Çete (Bande à part) (1964)
Bu Denizin Tuzu (Milh Hadha al-Bahr) (2008)
Stellet Licht (Silent Light) (2007)
Sang sattawat (Syndromes and a Century) (2006)
Saatler (The Hours) (2002)
Çığlıklar ve Fısıltılar (Viskningar och rop) (1972)
Beyaz bant (Das weiße Band - Eine deutsche Kindergeschichte) (2009)
Laurence Anyways (2012)
Hayali aşklar (Les amours imaginaires) (2010)