Frameby | elifburann - Watched
Dahomey (2024)
Fakat Müzeyyen Bu Derin Bir Tutku (2014)
The Lunchbox (2013)
Varjoja paratiisissa (Shadows in Paradise) (1986)
Alcarràs (2022)
Nest (2022)
Po Sui Tai Yang Zhi Xin (A Short Story) (2022)
Le voyage dans la lune (1902)
Paris, Texas (1984)
Sibel (2018)
Hypnosen (The Hypnosis) (2023)
Night on Earth (LANewYorkParisRomeHelsinki) (1991)
Kuolleet lehdet (Fallen Leaves) (2023)
Ariel (1988)
Holy Spider (2022)
Olive Kitteridge (2014)
Leo (2023)
Eric (2024)
Lessons in Chemistry (2023)
Soul (2020)
The Sound of Music (1965)
Perfect Days (2023)
Chelovek s kino-apparatom (The Man with a Movie Camera) (1929)
Ma vie de Courgette (My Name Is Zucchini) (2016)
Kar Korsanlari (2015)
L'extraordinaire voyage de Marona (2019)
Priscilla (2023)
The Biggest Little Farm (2018)
Nostalghia (1983)
Agora (Mists of Time) (2009)