Frameby | cglnr - Beğenilenler
Eksi Elmalar (Sour Apples) (2016)
John Wick 2 (John Wick: Chapter 2) (2017)
Yeşil Yol (The Green Mile) (1999)
Parazit (Gisaengchung) (2019)
Otel Transilvanya 2 (Hotel Transylvania 2) (2015)
Otel Transilvanya (Hotel Transylvania) (2012)
Deliler (The Hunt for Vlad the Impaler) (2018)
Hacivat Karagöz Neden Öldürüldü? (Why Were They Killed?) (2006)
John Wick (2014)
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
Asperger's Are Us (2016)
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile (2019)
Ayla: The Daughter of War (Ayla) (2017)
Çiçero (Operation Cicero) (2019)
Kelebegin Rüyasi (The Butterfly's Dream) (2013)
Av Mevsimi (Hunting Season) (2010)
Küçük Esnaf (Locksmith's Debt) (2016)
Aman Reis Duymasın (Aman Reis Duymasin) (2019)
Piyanist (The Pianist) (2002)
47 Ronin (2013)
Her Şeyin Teorisi (The Theory of Everything) (2014)
Boleyn kızı (The Other Boleyn Girl) (2008)
Cebimdeki Yabanci (Stranger in My Pocket) (2018)
Düzenbaz (American Hustle) (2013)
Kurtuluş Ayini (Akelarre) (2020)
Madam Claude (Madame Claude) (2021)
Üçkâğıtçı Mortdecai (Mortdecai) (2015)
Nuh Tepesi (Noah Land) (2019)
Kagittan Hayatlar (Paper Lives) (2021)
Benjamin Button'ın tuhaf hikâyesi (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) (2008)