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Le successeur (The Successor) (2023)
Günbatımı (Sundown) (2021)
Ultrasound (2021)
Sapkın (Heretic) (2024)
Calvaire (The Ordeal) (2004)
Speak No Evil (2022)
Cuando acecha la maldad (When Evil Lurks) (2023)
Aterrados (Terrified) (2017)
Şeytanla Bir Gece (Late Night with the Devil) (2023)
Azize (Saint Maud) (2019)
Sansür (Censor) (2021)
The Empty Man (2020)
La nuit du 12 (The Night of the 12th) (2022)
The Ghoul (2016)
Under the Silver Lake (2018)
Crimes of the Future (2022)
Düşman (Enemy) (2013)
Earwig (2021)
Berberian Sound Studio (2012)
Pro urodov i lyudey (Of Freaks and Men) (1998)
Creep 2 (2017)
Arrebato (Rapture) (1979)
Infinity Pool (2023)
Her Zaman Şeytan (The Devil All the Time) (2020)
La chute de l'empire américain (The Fall of the American Empire) (2018)
Deniz Feneri (The Lighthouse) (2019)
Antiviral (2012)
Shiva Baby (2020)
Dokunma Bana (Touch Me Not) (2018)
Onun Evi (His House) (2020)