Frameby | bardamu - İzlenenler
Mest (The Rapture) (1991)
Hayaletler Diyarında Bir Olay (Ghostland) (2018)
Le successeur (The Successor) (2023)
Sır (The Tall Man) (2012)
Günbatımı (Sundown) (2021)
Ultrasound (2021)
The Damned (2024)
From (2022 - )
Kafestekiler (Jaula) (2022)
Sinyal (The Signal) (2014)
Henry Fool (1997)
A Pure Place (2021)
Skinamarink (2022)
Sapkın (Heretic) (2024)
Muse (2017)
Karanlık Sır (Marrowbone) (2017)
Calvaire (The Ordeal) (2004)
Yeni Düzen (Nuevo orden) (2020)
Speak No Evil (2022)
Saplantı (Swallow) (2019)
Cuando acecha la maldad (When Evil Lurks) (2023)
Aterrados (Terrified) (2017)
Şeytanla Bir Gece (Late Night with the Devil) (2023)
Servant (2019 - 2023)
Cambaz (Longlegs) (2024)
Significant Other (2022)
Azize (Saint Maud) (2019)
Sansür (Censor) (2021)
The Empty Man (2020)
The Watchers (2024)