Frameby | Sekyazar - Watched
Fiddler on the Roof (1971)
Trzecia czesc nocy (The Third Part of the Night) (1971)
Metropolis (1927)
El espíritu de la colmena (The Spirit of the Beehive) (1973)
The Third Man (1949)
L'année dernière à Marienbad (Last Year in Marienbad) (1961)
The Thin Man (1934)
Tony Arzenta (Big Guns) (No Way Out) (1973)
L'humanité (Humanity) (1999)
Delicatessen (1991)
Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (1983)
L.A. Confidential (1997)
Johnny Got His Gun (1971)
Marathon Man (1976)
L'Atalante (1934)
Suzhou he (Suzhou River) (2000)
Laughter in Paradise (1951)
Sans toit ni loi (Vagabond) (1985)
Le bonheur (Le Bonheur) (1965)
Man on the Moon (1999)
La Pointe-Courte (La Pointe Courte) (1955)
The Driver (1978)
Mamma Roma (1962)
Matka Joanna od Aniolów (Mother Joan of the Angels) (1961)
Nikita (La Femme Nikita) (1990)
Sydney (Hard Eight) (1996)
The Virtuoso (2021)
Master Gardener (2022)
Zamanin Kapilari (2024 - )
Dune (2021)