Mike Colter's movies and tv series

Alarum (2025)
The Union (2024)
Plane (Untitled Gerard Butler Action Thriller) (2023)
I'm Charlie Walker (2022)
South of Heaven (2021)
Fatale (2020)
Social Distance (2020)
Breakthrough (2019)
Seis Manos (2019 - )
Evil (2019 - 2024)
Black and Blue (Exposure) (2019)
Before You Know It (2019)
Extinction (2018)
Girls Trip (2017)
The Defenders (2017)
Luke Cage (2016 - 2018)
Agent X (2015)
Halo: Nightfall (2014)
Men in Black³ (2012)
Ringer (2011 - 2012)
Taking Chance (2009)
Million Dollar Baby (2004)