Frameby | merveceliktn - İzlenecekler
Bonnie ve Clyde (Bonnie and Clyde) (1967)
Devrimi Bensiz Başlatın (Start the Revolution Without Me) (1970)
Rhinoceros (1974)
Küçük prens (The Little Prince) (1974)
Kırmızılı kadın (The Woman in Red) (1984)
Kördüğüm (Hanky Panky) (1982)
Haunted Honeymoon (1986)
Alice Harikalar Diyarında (Alice in Wonderland) (1999)
Gümüş eyerler (Blazing Saddles) (1974)
Zizek! (2005)
The Pervert's Guide to Cinema (2006)
Houston, We Have a Problem (Houston, We Have a Problem!) (2016)
The Pervert's Guide to Ideology (2012)
Sorgulanmış yaşam (Examined Life) (2008)
Son Muhteşem Kahraman (Last Action Hero) (1993)
The Old Man and the Sea (1990)
Zorba (Alexis Zorbas) (1964)
A Performance of Macbeth (1979)
Jack & Sarah (1995)
Richard III (1995)
The Dresser (2015)
Ay Işığı (Moonlight) (2016)
Özgürlük Dansı (Jimmy's Hall) (2014)
Handsome Devil (2016)
Kırlangıçlar ve Amazonlar (Swallows and Amazons) (2016)
Denial (2016)
The Shadow in the North (2007)
Suyun Sesi (The Shape of Water) (2017)
Deha (Gifted) (2017)
Gizli Sayılar (Hidden Figures) (2016)