Frameby | lordmad - İzlenenler
Benden bu kadar (As Good as It Gets) (1997)
Cinnet (The Shining) (1980)
Nerdesin be birader? (O Brother, Where Art Thou?) (2000)
Azap yolu (Road to Perdition) (2002)
Barda (At the Bar) (2007)
Agir Roman (Cholera Street) (1997)
Skyfall (2012)
Bakış açısı (Vantage Point) (2008)
Yenilmez (Invictus) (2009)
Beyaz Melek (The White Angel) (2007)
Büyük Budapeşte Oteli (The Grand Budapest Hotel) (2014)
12 Öfkeli Adam (12 Angry Men) (1957)
Uyuyana Kadar (Before I Go to Sleep) (2014)
Truman Show (The Truman Show) (1998)
Olağan Şüpheliler (The Usual Suspects) (1995)
Donnie Darko - Karanlık Yolculuk (Donnie Darko) (2001)
Yaralı Yüz (Scarface) (1983)
Guguk Kuşu (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) (1975)
Otomatik Portakal (A Clockwork Orange) (1971)
İyi, Kötü ve Çirkin (Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo) (1966)
Yeşil Yol (The Green Mile) (1999)
Limit Yok (Limitless) (2011)
Can Dostum (Good Will Hunting) (1997)
Can Dostum (Intouchables) (2011)
Umut Işığım (Silver Linings Playbook) (2012)
Ask Tesadüfleri Sever (Love Likes Coincidences) (2011)
Bir Gün (One Day) (2011)
Babamın penguenleri (Mr. Popper's Penguins) (2011)
Arkadaştan Öte (Friends with Benefits) (2011)
Hancock (2008)