Frameby | hilaluna - Watched
Ortadirek Saban (1984)
Deli Deli Küpeli (1986)
Postaci (1984)
Kiraci (1987)
Davaci (1987)
Çarikli Milyoner (1983)
Garip (1986)
Gol Krali (The Top Scorer) (1981)
Üç Kagitçi (1981)
Gülen Adam (1990)
Koltuk Belasi (1990)
Yoksul (1986)
Japon Isi (1987)
Sevimli Hirsiz (1989)
Atla Gel Saban (1984)
Sabaniye (1984)
En Büyük Saban (1984)
Tokatçi (1983)
Dokunmayin Sabanima (1979)
Çöpçüler Krali (The King of the Street Cleaners) (1977)
Kibar Feyzo (Polite Feyzo) (1978)
Yüz Numarali Adam (1978)
Ibo ile Güllüsah (1977)
Kapicilar Krali (King of the Doormen) (1976)
Hanzo (1975)
Köyden Indim Sehire (From the Village to the City) (1974)
Tatli Dillim (1972)
Mavi Boncuk (The Blue Bead) (1974)
Yedi Bela Hüsnü (1983)
Katma Deger Saban (1985)