Frameby | bora - Watched
Jobs (2013)
Nymphomaniac: Vol. II (Nymphomaniac: Volume II) (2013)
The Road (Put) (2009)
La science des rêves (The Science of Sleep) (2006)
Shameless (2011 - 2021)
Strange Days (1995)
Peaceful Warrior (2006)
Mammoth (2009)
Hoje Eu Quero Voltar Sozinho (The Way He Looks) (2014)
Training Day (2001)
Curfew (2012)
The Lovely Bones (2009)
Nymphomaniac: Vol. I (2013)
Vanilla Sky (2001)
Side Effects (2013)
Sliding Doors (1998)
Oslo, 31. august (Oslo, August 31st) (2011)
The Tree of Life (2011)
Lolita (1962)
Trois couleurs: Blanc (Three Colours: White) (1994)
Brazil (1985)
Waking Life (2001)
A Clockwork Orange (1971)
Evim Sensin (2012)
Flightplan (2005)
Garden State (2004)
V for Vendetta (2005)
Paris, je t'aime (2006)
My Blueberry Nights (2007)
New York, I Love You (2008)