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Riget (The Kingdom) (1994 - 2022)
Hable con ella (Talk to Her) (2002)
Police Academy (1984)
The Crow (1994)
Ghostbusters (1984)
Zügürt Aga (Züğürt the Landlord) (1985)
Se7en (1995)
Awaydays (2009)
Blade Runner (1982)
12 Monkeys (1995)
Spider (2002)
Babel (2006)
A Ay (Oh, Moon!) (1988)
L'auberge espagnole (Pot Luck) (2002)
Benny's Video (1992)
Kosmos (2009)
Delta (2008)
Sherlock (2010 - 2017)
Mr. Nobody (2009)
Los amantes del Círculo Polar (Lovers of the Arctic Circle) (1998)
Twin Peaks (1990 - 1991)
Solyaris (1972)
Stalker (1979)
Code inconnu: Récit incomplet de divers voyages (Code Unknown) (2000)
The Reader (2008)
Oldeuboi (Oldboy) (2003)
Intacto (Intact) (2001)
21 Grams (2003)
Die Welle (The Wave) (2008)
Pandorum (2009)