Frameby | Joker - İzlenenler
Kötü Öğretmen (Bad Teacher) (2011)
Fantastik Canavarlar: Grindelwald'in Suçları (Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald) (2018)
Mile 22 (2018)
Creed: Efsanenin Doğuşu (Creed) (2015)
Predator (The Predator) (2018)
Venom: Zehirli Öfke (Venom) (2018)
Valerian ve Bin Gezegen İmparatorluğu (Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets) (2017)
İntikam (The Salvation) (2014)
Adalet Birliği (Justice League) (2017)
Testere: Jigsaw Efsanesi (Jigsaw) (2017)
Jurassic World: Yıkılmış Krallık (Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom) (2018)
Star Wars: Son Jedi (Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi) (2017)
Maymunlar Cehennemi: Savaş (War for the Planet of the Apes) (2017)
Deadpool 2 (Once Upon a Deadpool) (2018)
Ocean's 8 (Ocean's Eight) (2018)
Avengers: Sonsuzluk Savaşı (Avengers: Infinity War) (2018)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Kingsman: Altın Çember (Kingsman: The Golden Circle) (2017)
12 Feet Deep (2017)
Patron Bebek (The Boss Baby) (2017)
Çılgın hırsız (Despicable Me) (2010)
Barry Seal: Kaçakçı (American Made) (2017)
Sarışın Bomba (Atomic Blonde) (2017)
Örümcek-Adam: Eve Dönüş (Spider-Man: Homecoming) (2017)
Transformers 5: Son Şövalye (Transformers: The Last Knight) (2017)
Kaçaklar (The Losers) (2010)
Karayip Korsanları: Salazar'ın İntikamı (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales) (2017)
Ölüm Uykusu (Mientras duermes) (2011)
Tam Gaz (Baby Driver) (2017)
Kuzgun (The Raven) (2012)