112 film veya dizi
Missing You (2025 - )
Nil'de Ölüm (Death on the Nile) (2022)
Damsel (2024)
Fool Me Once (2024)
Cruella (2021)
Lupin (2021 - )
Enola Holmes (2020)
Küçük Kadınlar (Little Women) (2019)
Edebiyat ve Patates Turtası Derneği (The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society) (2018)
Fantastik Canavarlar: Grindelwald'in Suçları (Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald) (2018)
Cadılar ve İblisler (A Discovery of Witches) (2018 - 2022)
And Then There Were None (2015)
2001: Uzay Yolu Macerası (2001: A Space Odyssey) (1968)
Doğu Ekspresinde Cinayet (Murder on the Orient Express) (2017)
Kara Kule (The Dark Tower) (2017)
Demir Yumruk (Iron Fist) (2017 - 2018)
Fantastik Canavarlar Nelerdir Nerede Bulunurlar (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them) (2016)
The Big Friendly Giant (The BFG) (2016)
Bayan Peregrine'in Tuhaf Çocukları (Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children) (2016)
Alice Harikalar Diyarında: Aynanın İçinden (Alice Through the Looking Glass) (2016)
Sefiller (Les Misérables) (2012)
Riddick (The Chronicles of Riddick: Rule the Dark) (2013)
Aşk ve Gurur ve Zombiler (Pride and Prejudice and Zombies) (2016)
Avcı: Kış Savaşı (The Huntsman: Winter's War) (2016)
Emma (1996)
Denizin Ortasında (In the Heart of the Sea) (2015)
Brooklyn (2015)
Küçük Prens (Le petit prince) (2015)
Büyük Umutlar (Great Expectations) (2012)
Çılgın Kalabalıktan Uzak (Far from the Madding Crowd) (2015)