Frameby | Didooo - Beğenilenler
Naked (1993)
Kurak Günler (Burning Days) (2022)
Yüzücüler (The Swimmers) (2022)
The Handmaid's Tale (2017 - 2025)
Danimarkalı Kız (The Danish Girl) (2015)
The Good Nurse (2022)
Kayip Sehir (2012 - 2013)
Sadakatsiz (Unfaithful) (2002)
Boleyn kızı (The Other Boleyn Girl) (2008)
Hacivat Karagöz Neden Öldürüldü? (Why Were They Killed?) (2006)
Aile Arasinda (In the Family) (2017)
Aşk Zamanı (Fa yeung nin wah) (2000)
Gizli gerçek (What Lies Beneath) (2000)
Bones and All (2022)
Cici (Gorgeous) (2022)
Asiklar Bayrami (The Festival of Troubadours) (2022)
Gönül (Heartsong) (2022)
Senin Adın (Kimi no na wa.) (2016)
Itirazim Var (Let's Sin) (2014)
Transit (2018)
Sen Ben Lenin (2021)
Kahraman (Ghahreman) (2021)
Prensim (Mon roi) (2015)
Suçlu (The Guilty) (2021)
Mezarlik (Graveyard) (2022)
Özgürlük Yazarları (Freedom Writers) (2007)
Benim Babam, Benim Oğlum (Soshite chichi ni naru) (2013)
Sarayın Gözdesi (The Favourite) (2018)
Aç Kalpler (Hungry Hearts) (2014)
Anaokulu Öğretmeni (The Kindergarten Teacher) (2018)