Frameby | CihatYanar - İzlenenler
İz Peşinde (True Grit) (2010)
Elysium: Yeni Cennet (Elysium) (2013)
Jason Bourne (2016)
The Virtuoso (2021)
Ada (The Island) (2005)
The Highwaymen (2019)
Kaçakçı (The Mule) (2018)
Muhteşem Yedili (The Magnificent Seven) (2016)
The Power of the Dog (2021)
Tetikcinin Gecesi (Collateral) (2004)
RocknRolla (2008)
Son ültimatom (The Bourne Ultimatum) (2007)
Zamana Karşı (In Time) (2011)
Cinayet gecesi (Fracture) (2007)
Paradise PD (2018 - 2022)
Günah Şehri: Uğruna Öldürülecek Kadın (Sin City: A Dame to Kill For) (2014)
Evrim (Transcendence) (2014)
300 Spartalı (300) (2006)
Son samuray (The Last Samurai) (2003)
Altıncı his (The Sixth Sense) (1999)
Kardaki İzler (Wind River) (2017)
Solace (2015)
Lost: Missing Pieces (2007 - 2008)
Modern Family (2009 - 2020)
Oz (1997 - 2003)
Mindhunter (2017 - 2019)
After Life (2019 - 2022)
The Last Kingdom (2015 - 2023)
Suits (2011 - 2019)
Seinfeld (1989 - 1998)