Din, Tanrı, Din Eleştirisi, Din Çatışması, Arayış, Mezhep...

97 film veya dizi
Tutku - Hz. isa'nin çilesi (The Passion of the Christ) (2004)
Aglayan çayir (Trilogia: To livadi pou dakryzei) (2004)
Gülün adi (Der Name der Rose) (1986)
Dekalog (The Decalogue) (1989 - 1990)
Beyaz bant (Das weiße Band - Eine deutsche Kindergeschichte) (2009)
Fanny ve Alexander (Fanny och Alexander) (1982)
Kara Ölüm (Black Death) (2010)
Elmer Gantry (1960)
2001: Uzay Yolu Macerasi (2001: A Space Odyssey) (1968)
Jesus Camp (2006)
Melekler Hep Birlikte İner (Angels Come Together) (2014)
Altın ve Bakır (Tala va mes) (2010)
Günahkar rahibeler (The Magdalene Sisters) (2002)
Kim kiminle nerede? (Whatever Works) (2009)
Dünyali (The Man from Earth) (2007)
Yalanin Icadi (The Invention of Lying) (2009)
Dogma (1999)
Yaratilis (Creation) (2009)
PK (2014)
Rüzgârin mirasi (Inherit the Wind) (1960)
Ordet (1955)
Persepolis (2007)
Bir Tasra Papazinin Güncesi (Journal d'un curé de campagne) (1951)
Adem in Elmasi (Adams æbler) (2005)
God on Trial (2008)
The Sunset Limited (2011)
Usta (The Master) (2012)
Agora (Mists of Time) (2009)
Ilahi Komedi (Religulous) (2008)
Mesaj (Contact) (1997)