Frameby | ukarayel - Beğenilenler
Hayata Röveşata Çeken Adam (A Man Called Otto) (2022)
The Gorge (2025)
The Day of the Jackal (2024 - )
The Agency (2024 - )
Dune: Prophecy (2024 - )
Wolfs (2024)
Ao, le dernier Néandertal (Ao: The Last Hunter) (2010)
The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare (2024)
The Mentalist (2008 - 2015)
Civil War (2024)
All the Light We Cannot See (2023)
Yetenekli Bay C (The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent) (2022)
Onoda (Onoda: 10, 000 Nights in the Jungle) (2021)
Masters of the Air (2024)
The Creator (True Love) (2023)
Ahtapottan Öğrendiklerim (My Octopus Teacher) (2020)
Blue Eye Samurai (2023)
Oppenheimer (2023)
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (2023 - )
So weit die Füße tragen (As Far as My Feet Will Carry Me) (2001)
Çöldeki İzler (Tracks) (2013)
Harika çocuk (Powder) (1995)
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon (2023 - )
Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022)
Ahsoka (2023 - )
Andor (2022 - )
Vahşi Gece (Violent Night) (2022)
Balon (Ballon) (2018)
Rare Exports Inc. (2003)
Sisu (2022)