Frameby | rusyena - İzlenenler
Ahlat Agaci (The Wild Pear Tree) (2018)
Sihirli kutu (The Last Mimzy) (2007)
Ah Müjgân Ah (1970)
Baba (The Godfather) (1972)
Hayat Ağacı (Generations) (1989 - 1991)
Madre (Mother) (2017)
Babettes gæstebud (Babette´s Feast) (1987)
Father and Daughter (2000)
Shark Attack (1999)
Chucky Geri Dönüyor (Cult of Chucky) (2017)
Paranormal Activity (2007)
Devir (Cycle) (2013)
Bugday (Grain) (2017)
Artik Sevmeyecegim (I Won't Love Anymore) (2000)
Çocuk Oyunu 2 (Child's Play 2) (1990)
Chucky'nin Laneti (Curse of Chucky) (2013)
Amerikali (1993)
Adi Vasfiye (Her Name Is Vasfiye) (1985)
Cingöz Recai (1969)
Uyuyan Prenses (Sleeping Beauty) (1959)
Kurt (Wolf) (1994)
Dr. Jivago (Doctor Zhivago) (1965)
Ask Filmlerinin Unutulmaz Yönetmeni (The Unforgettable Director of Love Movies) (1990)
Nefes: Vatan Sagolsun (Breath) (2009)
Sürü (The Herd) (1978)
Mandela: Özgürlüğe Giden Uzun Yol (Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom) (2013)
Bisiklet Hırsızları (Ladri di biciclette) (1948)
Ben Hur (2003)
Rüzgâr gibi geçti (Gone with the Wind) (1939)
Yaratık (Alien) (1979)