William Hanna oynadığı filmler ve diziler

Tom ve Jerry Korsanlar Arasında (Tom and Jerry in Shiver Me Whiskers) (2006)
I Yabba-Dabba Do! (1993)
The Two Mouseketeers (1952)
Jerry's Cousin (1951)
Tom and Jerry in the Hollywood Bowl (1950)
Bad Luck Blackie (1949)
Heavenly Puss (1949)
The Little Orphan (1948)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse (1947)
Solid Serenade (1946)
Northwest Hounded Police (1946)
Quiet Please! (1945)
Mouse in Manhattan (1945)
Screwball Squirrel (1944)
Mouse Trouble (1944)
The Yankee Doodle Mouse (1943)
The Bowling Alley-Cat (1942)
The Night Before Christmas (1941)
Puss Gets the Boot (1940)