Rudolf Hrusínský's movies and tv series

Obecná skola (The Elementary School) (1991)
Vesnicko má stredisková (My Sweet Little Village) (1985)
Slavnosti snezenek (The Snowdrop Festivities) (1984)
Tri veteráni (1984)
Postriziny (Cutting It Short) (1981)
Tajemství hradu v Karpatech (The Secret of the castle in the Carpithians) (1981)
Adéla jeste nevecerela (Adela Has Not Had Supper Yet) (1978)
Spalovac mrtvol (The Cremator) (1969)
Skrivánci na niti (Larks on a String) (1969)
Rozmarné léto (Capricious Summer) (1968)
Baron Prásil (The Outrageous Baron Munchausen) (1962)
Dobrý voják Svejk (The Good Soldier Schweik) (1957)