Nicolas Cage oynadığı filmler ve diziler

The Surfer (2024)
Cambaz (Longlegs) (2024)
Arcadian (2024)
Dream Scenario (2023)
Şeytana Sempati (Sympathy for the Devil) (2023)
Renfield (2023)
The Retirement Plan (2023)
The Old Way (2023)
Butcher's Crossing (2022)
Yetenekli Bay C (The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent) (2022)
Willy's Wonderland (2021)
Küfürler Tarihi (History of Swear Words) (2021)
Prisoners of the Ghostland (2021)
Pig (2021)
Crood'lar 2: Yeni Bir Çağ (The Croods: A New Age) (2020)
Jiu Jitsu (2020)
Fırtınalı Bir Gece (Grand Isle) (2019)
Kill Chain (2019)
Primal (2019)
Running with the Devil (2019)
Yaşlı Adam (A Score to Settle) (2019)
Uzaydan Gelen Renk (Color Out of Space) (2019)
Dünyalar Arasında (Between Worlds) (2018)
Mandy (2018)
Ayna (Looking Glass) (2018)
211 (2018)
Hesaplaşma (Arsenal) (2017)
Bakıcı (Inconceivable) (2017)
İntikam: Bir aşk Hikayesi (Vengeance: A Love Story) (2017)
The Humanity Bureau (2017)
Annem ve Babam (Mom and Dad) (2017)
Dog Eat Dog (2016)
USS Indianapolis: Cesur Adamlar (USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage) (2016)
Vurgun (The Trust) (2016)
Army of One (2016)
Gücün Bedeli (The Runner) (2015)
Hayaletin İntikamı (Pay the Ghost) (2015)
The Death of Superman Lives: What Happened? (2015)
Terörist Avı (Dying of the Light) (2014)
Sürgün (Outcast) (2014)
Geride Kalanlar (Left Behind) (2014)
Öfke (Tokarev) (2014)
Karanlık Cinayetler (The Frozen Ground) (2013)
Joe (2013)
Crood'lar (The Croods) (2013)
Suç Ortağı (Stolen) (2012)
Yakın Tehdit (Trespass) (2011)
İntikamın Bedeli (Seeking Justice) (2011)
Cadılar zamanı (Season of the Witch) (2011)
Hayalet Sürücü 2: İntikam Ateşi (Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance) (2011)
İntikam yolu (Drive Angry) (2011)
Sihirbazın çırağı (The Sorcerer's Apprentice) (2010)
Kehanet (Knowing) (2009)
Astro Boy (Astroboy) (2009)
Kötü Dedektif (The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans) (2009)
Zor karar (Bangkok Dangerous) (2008)
Hayalet sürücü (Ghost Rider) (2007)
Büyük hazine: Sırlar kitabı (National Treasure: Book of Secrets) (2007)
Next (2007)
Bitirim karınca (The Ant Bully) (2006)
Lanetli ada (The Wicker Man) (2006)
Dünya ticaret merkezi (World Trade Center) (2006)
Savaş tanrısı (Lord of War) (2005)
Fırtınalı hayatlar (The Weather Man) (2005)
Büyük hazine (National Treasure) (2004)
Üç kâğıtçılar (Matchstick Men) (2003)
Rüzgarla konuşanlar (Windtalkers) (2002)
Tersyüz (Adaptation.) (2002)
Christmas Carol: The Movie (2001)
60 saniye (Gone in Sixty Seconds) (2000)
Aile babası (The Family Man) (2000)
8MM - Sekiz milimetre (8MM) (1999)
Yaşamın kıyısında (Bringing Out the Dead) (1999)
Yılan gözler (Snake Eyes) (1998)
Melekler şehri (City of Angels) (1998)
Yüz/Yüze (Face/Off) (1997)
Kaya (The Rock) (1996)
Elveda Las Vegas (Leaving Las Vegas) (1995)
Kiss of Death (1995)
Trapped in Paradise (1994)
Size de Çıkabilir (It Could Happen to You) (1994)
Guarding Tess (1994)
Red Rock Kasabası (Red Rock West) (1993)
Deadfall (1993)
Amos & Andrew (1993)
Industrial Symphony No. 1: The Dream of the Brokenhearted (Industrial Symphony No. 1: The Dream of the Broken Hearted) (1992)
Vegas'da Balayı (Honeymoon in Vegas) (1992)
Zandalee (1991)
Ateş Kuşları (Fire Birds) (1990)
Vahşi Duygular (Wild at Heart) (1990)
Vampire's Kiss (1988)
Ay Çarpması (Moonstruck) (1987)
Arizona Junior (Raising Arizona) (1987)
The Boy in Blue (1986)
Peggy Sue Got Married (1986)
Racing with the Moon (1984)
Birdy (1984)
Gangsterler kulübü (The Cotton Club) (1984)
Valley Girl (1983)
Siyam balığı (Rumble Fish) (1983)