Leïla Bekhti oynadığı filmler ve diziler

LOL, qui rit, sort ! (LOL: Qui Rit, Sort !) (2021 - )
Huzursuz (Les intranquilles) (2021)
Nasıl Süper Kahraman Oldum (Comment je suis devenu super-héros) (2020)
The Eddy (2020)
La fameuse invasion des ours en Sicile (The Bears' Famous Invasion of Sicily) (2019)
Le grand bain (Sink or Swim) (2018)
Beyrut (Beirut) (2018)
Midnattssol (2016)
Nous trois ou rien (All Three of US) (2015)
Kış Gelmeden (Avant l'hiver) (2013)
Nous York (2012)
Silahlı Eller (Mains armées) (2012)
La source des femmes (The Source) (2011)
Daha İyi Bir Hayat (Une vie meilleure) (2011)
Tout ce qui brille (All That Glitters) (2010)
Şeytan (Sheitan) (2006)
Paris, seni seviyorum (Paris, je t'aime) (2006)