Kim Jae-Wook oynadığı filmler ve diziler

Melo Movie (2025 - )
Tangeum (Hong Rang) (2024 - )
Yijae, Got Jookseummida (2023 - )
Keureiji reobeu (2022)
Geunyeoui Sasaenghwal (Her Private Life) (2019)
Son: The Guest (The Guest) (2018)
Sarangui Ondo (Temperature of Love) (2017)
Deokhyeongju (The Last Princess) (2016)
Dareun giri itda (Another Way) (2015)
Hoo-ah-yu (Who Are You) (2013 - )
Maelineun oebagjung (Mary Stayed Out All Night) (2010)
Nabbeun Namja (Bad Boy) (2010)
Seoyang-goldong-yanggwajajeom Aentikeu (Antique) (2008)
Baramui Nara (The Kingdom of the Winds) (2008 - 2009)
Dal Ja's Spring (The Spring of Oh Dal Ja) (2007)