Bruce Davison oynadığı filmler ve diziler

The Good Neighbor (2022)
Konak (The Manor) (2021)
More Beautiful for Having Been Broken (2019)
Creepshow (2019 - )
9/11 (Nine Eleven) (2017)
Get a Job (2016)
The Curse of Sleeping Beauty (2016)
Displacement (2016)
Persecuted (2014)
Sequestered (2014)
Those Who Kill (2014)
108 Stitches (2014)
Words and Pictures (2013)
Return of the Killer Shrews (2012)
That Guy... Who Was in That Thing (2012)
The Lords of Salem (2012)
The Millionaire Tour (2012)
Coffin (2011)
A Schizophrenic Love Story (2011)
Earth's Final Hours (2011)
Arctic Blast (2010)
Titanic II (2010)
Adalet Birliği: İki Dünyada Kriz (Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths) (2010)
Sınır (La linea) (2009)
Christmas Angel (2009)
MegaFault (2009)
A Golden Christmas (2009)
Efsane Avcısı 3: Judas Chalice'in Laneti (The Librarian: The Curse of the Judas Chalice) (2008)
Kara Şimşek (Knight Rider) (2008 - 2009)
İhanet (Breach) (2007)
Hate Crime (2005)
Close to Home (2005 - 2007)
Bermuda Şeytan Üçgeni (The Triangle) (2005)
8MM 2 (2005)
Kingdom Hospital (2004)
Jüri (Runaway Jury) (2003)
Out of the Ashes (2003)
Dahmer (2002)
Too Young to Be a Dad (2002)
Büyük günahlar (High Crimes) (2002)
Summer Catch (2001)
Çılgın/Güzel (Crazy/Beautiful) (2001)
The King Is Alive (2000)
Vendetta (1999)
İlk görüşte aşk (At First Sight) (1999)
Cesur Papağan Paulie (Paulie) (1998)
Ölümcül Sır (Apt Pupil) (1998)
It's My Party (1996)
Cadı kazanı (The Crucible) (1996)
Far from Home: The Adventures of Yellow Dog (1995)
Six Degrees of Separation (1993)
Sosyeteden İnsan Manzaraları (Short Cuts) (1993)
Longtime Companion (1989)
The Misfit Brigade (1987)
Poor Little Rich Girl: The Barbara Hutton Story (1987)
Spies Like Us (1985)
Hunter (1984 - 1991)
Tutku suçları (Crimes of Passion) (1984)
Fedailer (High Risk) (1981)
The Wave (1981)
The Lathe of Heaven (1980)
Brass Target (1978)
Short Eyes (1977)
Ambulans (Mother, Jugs & Speed) (1976)
Mame (1974)
Ulzana (Ulzana's Raid) (1972)
Willard ve fareleri (Willard) (1971)
The Strawberry Statement (1970)
Last Summer (1969)