Anthony Anderson oynadığı filmler ve diziler

G20 (2025)
Mixed·ish (2019 - 2021)
Beats (2019)
Star (The Star) (2017)
Small Town Crime (2017)
Berber Dükkanı 3 (Barbershop: The Next Cut) (2016)
Sıcak Robot (Hot Bot) (2016)
The Town That Dreaded Sundown (2014)
Black·ish (2014 - 2022)
The Power of Few (2013)
Guys with Kids (2012 - 2013)
Goats (2012)
Sammy'nin maceraları (Sammy's avonturen: De geheime doorgang) (2010)
B Planı (The Back-up Plan) (2010)
Transformers (2007)
K-Ville (2007 - 2008)
Korkunç bir film 4 (Scary Movie 4) (2006)
Katt Williams: The Pimp Chronicles Pt. 1 (2006)
Köstebek (The Departed) (2006)
Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız (Hoodwinked!) (2005)
Fidye (King's Ransom) (2005)
Sahne Ateşi (Hustle & Flow) (2005)
My Baby's Daddy (2004)
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London (2004)
Malibu's Most Wanted (2003)
Kanguru Jack (Kangaroo Jack) (2003)
Beşikten mezara (Cradle 2 the Grave) (2003)
Berber Dükkânı (Barbershop) (2002)
Two Can Play That Game (2001)
Harika Köpek Spot (See Spot Run) (2001)
Kingdom Come (2001)
Kurşun (Exit Wounds) (2001)
Gerçek efsaneler 2 (Urban Legends: Final Cut) (2000)
Vay anam vay (Big Momma's House) (2000)
Romeo ölmeli (Romeo Must Die) (2000)
Ben, kendim ve sevgilim (Me, Myself & Irene) (2000)
The Breaks (1999)
Müebbet kuşları (Life) (1999)