Angela Bassett oynadığı filmler ve diziler

Zero Day (2025 - )
Damsel (2024)
Görevimiz Tehlike 7 (Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One) (2023)
Good Night Oppy (2022)
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (Black Panther II) (2022)
Wendell & Wild (2022)
Barut Koktetli (Gunpowder Milkshake) (2021)
Tina (2021)
Malika the Lion Queen (2021)
Otherhood (2019)
9-1-1 (2018 - )
Mission: Impossible - Yansımalar (Mission: Impossible - Fallout) (2018)
Kara Panter (Black Panther) (2018)
Meraklı Maymun 3: Ormana Dönüş (Curious George 3: Back to the Jungle) (2015)
Chi-Raq (2015)
Karda Bir Beyaz Kuş (White Bird in a Blizzard) (2014)
Black Nativity (2013)
Kod Adı: Olympus (Olympus Has Fallen) (2013)
İyi Olan Kazansın (This Means War) (2012)
Amerikan Korku Hikâyeleri (American Horror Story) (2011 - )
Zor Düğün (Jumping the Broom) (2011)
Yeşil Fener (Green Lantern) (2011)
Notorious (2009)
Meet the Browns (2008)
Gospel Hill (2008)
Nothing But the Truth (2008)
Robinson ailesi (Meet the Robinsons) (2007)
Akeelah and the Bee (2006)
The Lazarus Child (2004)
Mr. 3000 (2004)
Gizli saklı (Masked and Anonymous) (2003)
Sunshine State (2002)
Komplo (The Score) (2001)
Supernova (2000)
50 cesur kemancı (Music of the Heart) (1999)
Our Friend, Martin (1999)
How Stella Got Her Groove Back (1998)
Tuhaf günler (Strange Days) (1995)
Bir oh desem (Waiting to Exhale) (1995)
Panther (1995)
Brooklyn vampiri (Vampire in Brooklyn) (1995)
İhtiras Balığı (Passion Fish) (1992)
Malcolm X (1992)
The Jacksons: An American Dream (1992)
Critters 4 (1992)
Artık Çocuk Değiller (Boyz n the Hood) (1991)