Andrzej Chyra's movies and tv series

Sleboda (2024 - )
Sniegu juz nigdy nie bedzie (Never Gonna Snow Again) (2020)
1983 (2018)
Frost (2017)
Ostatnia rodzina (The Last Family) (2016)
Zjednoczone stany milosci (United States of Love) (2016)
Carte Blanche (2015)
11 minut (11 Minutes) (2015)
Kamienie na szaniec (The Battle for Warsaw: Stones for the Rampart) (2014)
Nieulotne (Lasting) (2013)
W imie... (In the Name Of) (2013)
Elles (2011)
La terre outragée (Land of Oblivion) (2011)
Wszystko, co kocham (All That I Love) (2009)
Katyn (2007)
Wszyscy jestesmy Chrystusami (We're All Christs) (2006)
Komornik (The Debt Collector) (2005)
Pogoda na jutro (Tomorrow's Weather) (2003)
Symetria (Symmetry) (2003)
Zmruz oczy (Squint Your Eyes) (2002)
Pieniadze to nie wszystko (Money Is Not Everything) (2001)
Dlug (The Debt) (1999)