Ali Suliman's movies and tv series

G20 (2025)
House of David (2025 - )
Prime Target (2025 - )
The Swimmers (2022)
Farha (2021)
Flasbellek (Flashdrive) (2020)
200 Meters (2020)
It Must Be Heaven (2019)
Jack Ryan (2018 - 2023)
The State (2017 - )
The Worthy (2016)
Kaçis (The Escape) (2016)
Dancing Arabs (A Borrowed Identity) (2014)
Flying Home (Racing Hearts) (2014)
Lone Survivor (2013)
The Attack (2012)
The Promise (2011)
Do Not Forget Me Istanbul (2010)
Body of Lies (2008)
Al-mor wa al rumman (Pomegranates and Myrrh) (2008)
Etz Limon (Lemon Tree) (2008)
The Kingdom (2007)
Paradise Now (2005)
The Syrian Bride (Syrian Bride) (2004)
Segell ikhtifa (1996)