Frameby | karenin - Watched
Woodstock (1970)
Meet the Spartans (2008)
Fresa y chocolate (Strawberry & Chocolate) (1993)
Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975)
L'avventura (The Adventure) (1960)
Pickpocket (1959)
Night Train to Lisbon (2013)
La nuit américaine (Day for Night) (1973)
Suna no onna (Woman of the Dunes) (1964)
Don't Look Now (1973)
Sib (The Apple) (1998)
Zanan-e bedun-e mardan (Women Without Men) (2009)
Salam Cinema (Hello Cinema) (1995)
Noon o Goldoon (A Moment of Innocence) (1996)
Bicycleran (The Cyclist) (1989)
À ma soeur! (Fat Girl) (2001)
Un été brûlant (A Burning Hot Summer) (2011)
La belle personne (The Beautiful Person) (2008)
Geriye Kalan (2011)
Arthur Christmas (2011)
Pozitia copilului (Child's Pose) (2013)
20,000 Days on Earth (2014)
Attila Marcel (2013)
Sex and the City (2008)
Vurun Kahpeye (Strike the Whore) (1949)
La vie rêvée des anges (The Dreamlife of Angels) (1998)
When You're Strange (2009)
Blow Job (Andy Warhol's Blowjob) (1963)
Inkheart (Ink Heart) (2008)
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009)