Frameby | heyynigga - Watched
7 Kocali Hürmüz (Polygamist) (2009)
Gurbetçi Saban (Saban the Expatriate) (1985)
Gülen Adam (1990)
Saban Oglu Saban (Saban, Son of Saban) (1977)
Garip (1986)
Yedi Bela Hüsnü (1983)
Kibar Feyzo (Polite Feyzo) (1978)
Mavi Boncuk (The Blue Bead) (1974)
Talih Kusu (1989)
Kapicilar Krali (King of the Doormen) (1976)
Köyden Indim Sehire (From the Village to the City) (1974)
Hababam Sinifi Uyaniyor (The Chaos Class Is Waking Up) (1976)
Gülen Gözler (Laughing Eyes) (1977)
Ah Nerede (1975)
Hacivat Karagöz Neden Öldürüldü? (Why Were They Killed?) (2006)
Kilibik (1983)
Postaci (1984)
Milyarder (1987)
Çalgi Çengi (Ludicrous Couple) (2011)
Üç Kagitçi (1981)
Tek Kisilik Dev Kadro (2005)
Davaro: Son Eskiya (1981)
Deli Deli Küpeli (1986)
Namuslu (The Honest One) (1984)
Hababam Sinifi Sinifta Kaldi (The Chaos Class Failed the Class) (1975)
Çöpçüler Krali (The King of the Street Cleaners) (1977)
Yahsi Bati (Yahsi Bati - The Ottoman Cowboys) (2009)
Neredesin Firuze (Where Are You Pretty) (2004)
Süt Kardesler (The Foster Brothers) (1976)
Eyyvah Eyvah 2 (Oh Dear 2) (2011)