Frameby | deryacengiz - Beğenilenler
Büyük Lebowski (The Big Lebowski) (1998)
Şehrin azizleri (The Boondock Saints) (1999)
El método (The Method) (2005)
Julie & Julia (2009)
Timothy Green'in Sıra dışı Yaşamı (The Odd Life of Timothy Green) (2012)
Rachel Getting Married (2008)
Steve Zissou ile suda yaşam (The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou) (2004)
Zombieland (2009)
Yaman Tilki (Fantastic Mr. Fox) (2009)
Fargo (1996)
Hitchcock (2012)
Sapık (Psycho) (1960)
Detaylar (The Details) (2011)
Vavien (2009)
Celal Tan ve Ailesinin Asiri Acikli Hikayesi (The Extreme Tragic Story of Celal Tan and His Family) (2011)
Six Feet Under (2001 - 2005)
Can Dostum (Good Will Hunting) (1997)
Marie Antoinette (2006)
Şenlik ateşi (The Bonfire of the Vanities) (1990)
Delicesine Mutlu (Sykt lykkelig) (2010)
Karabasan (The Babadook) (2014)
Rezervuar Köpekleri (Reservoir Dogs) (1992)
Cracks (2009)
Capote (2005)
Çatlak Film (Movie 43) (2013)
Yetenekli bay Ripley (The Talented Mr. Ripley) (1999)
Animatrix (The Animatrix) (2003)
Metropolis (1927)
Derinlik sarhoşluğu (Le grand bleu) (1988)
İhtiyar Delikanlı (Oldeuboi) (2003)