Frameby | coquelicot - İzlenenler
Kaldırım Sercesi (La Môme) (2007)
Şeytanın Gözleri (Starry Eyes) (2014)
Aç Kalpler (Hungry Hearts) (2014)
Saniyede 5 Santimetre (Byôsoku 5 senchimêtoru) (2007)
Prenses Mononoke (Mononoke-hime) (1997)
Motosiklet Günlüğü (Diarios de motocicleta) (2004)
Marnie Oradayken (Omoide no Marnie) (2014)
Full Metal Jacket (1987)
Ruhların Kaçışı (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi) (2001)
Zincirsiz (Django Unchained) (2012)
OXV: The Manual (Frequencies) (2013)
Paris, seni seviyorum (Paris, je t'aime) (2006)
Everything Is Illuminated (2005)
En Uzun Hafta (The Longest Week) (2014)
Düşler Diyarı (Beasts of the Southern Wild) (2012)
Kramer Kramer'e karşı (Kramer vs. Kramer) (1979)
Cyrus (2010)
Baghead (2008)
Kırık Çiçekler (Broken Flowers) (2005)
Denizin Şarkısı (Song of the Sea) (2014)
Das merkwürdige Kätzchen (The Strange Little Cat) (2013)
İsimiz İş (Unfinished Business) (2015)
9. kapı (The Ninth Gate) (1999)
Burgonya Dükü (The Duke of Burgundy) (2014)
Mutluluğun Peşinde (Rabbit Hole) (2010)
Videodrome (1983)
Alpler (Alpeis) (2011)
The Vicious Kind (2009)
Les combattants (Love at First Fight) (2014)
Duygudan da öte (Ae Fond Kiss...) (2004)