self-discovery on the road

43 film veya dizi
Night Train to Lisbon (2013)
The Way (2010)
Walter Mitty'nin Gizli Yaşamı (The Secret Life of Walter Mitty) (2013)
The Living End (1992)
Çölde çay (The Sheltering Sky) (1990)
Şöhrete Bir Adım (Almost Famous) (2000)
Yolda (On the Road) (2012)
Motosiklet Günlüğü (Diarios de motocicleta) (2004)
Thelma ve Louise (Thelma & Louise) (1991)
Yaban (Wild) (2014)
Çöldeki İzler (Tracks) (2013)
One Week (2008)
Özgürlük Yolu (Into the Wild) (2007)