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Eternals (2021)
Shang-Chi ve 10 Yüzük Efsanesi (Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings) (2021)
Dün Gece Soho'da (Last Night in Soho) (2021)
Hayalet Avcilari 2020 (Ghostbusters: Afterlife) (2021)
Doğu Ekspresinde Cinayet (Murder on the Orient Express) (2017)
Ggeutggaji ganda (A Hard Day) (2014)
Yol (The Road) (2009)
The Green Knight (2021)
Hush (2016)
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
Do-ga-ni (Silenced) (2011)
İntikam Meleği (Chinjeolhan geumjassi) (2005)
Çöl Gezegeni (Dune) (2021)
Korku Seansı: Beni Buna Şeytan Zorladı (The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It) (2021)
Constantine: City of Demons (2018)
Cinayet Günlüğü (Salinui chueok) (2003)
Gerçek Kahraman (Free Guy) (2021)
Justice League Dark: Apokolips War (2020)
Wonder Woman: Kan Bağları (Wonder Woman: Bloodlines) (2019)
Batman: Hush (2019)
Süpermenler Hükümdarlığı (Reign of the Supermen) (2019)
The Death of Superman (2018)
Genç Titanlar: Judas Sözleşmesi (Teen Titans: The Judas Contract) (2017)
Adalet Birligi Karanliktakiler (Justice League Dark) (2017)
Batman: Büyük Öfke (Batman: Bad Blood) (2016)
Batman Robin'e Karşı (Batman vs. Robin) (2015)
Superman: Kızıl Evlat (Superman: Red Son) (2020)
Ölümcül Labirent: Şampiyonlar Turnuvası (Escape Room: Tournament of Champions) (2021)
Kara Dul (Black Widow) (2021)
The Suicide Squad: İntihar Timi (The Suicide Squad) (2021)