Frameby | cabir - Beğenilenler
Günahkâr (The Sinner) (2017 - 2021)
True Detective (2014 - 2019)
Çöl Gezegeni (Dune) (2021)
Korku Seansı: Beni Buna Şeytan Zorladı (The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It) (2021)
Mai Neim (My Name) (2021)
Constantine: City of Demons (2018)
Cinayet Günlüğü (Salinui chueok) (2003)
Ojing-eo geim (2021 - 2025)
Gerçek Kahraman (Free Guy) (2021)
Peki Ya...? (What If...?) (2021 - )
Justice League Dark: Apokolips War (2020)
Batman: Hush (2019)
Süpermenler Hükümdarlığı (Reign of the Supermen) (2019)
The Death of Superman (2018)
Genç Titanlar: Judas Sözleşmesi (Teen Titans: The Judas Contract) (2017)
Adalet Birligi Karanliktakiler (Justice League Dark) (2017)
Batman: Büyük Öfke (Batman: Bad Blood) (2016)
Batman Robin'e Karşı (Batman vs. Robin) (2015)
Superman: Kızıl Evlat (Superman: Red Son) (2020)
Loki (2021 - 2023)
Sweet Tooth (2021 - 2024)
Yedinci Kogustaki Mucize (Miracle in Cell No. 7) (2019)
Oyun (The Game) (1997)
Invincible (2021 - )
Adalet Birliği (Zack Snyder) (Zack Snyder's Justice League) (2021)
Taeksi woonjunsa (A Taxi Driver) (2017)
Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)
Asla Nadiren Bazen Her Zaman (Never Rarely Sometimes Always) (2020)
Pardon (2005)
Batman'in Oğlu (Son of Batman) (2014)