Frameby | Tuho - Watched
Equilibrium (2002)
Baradaran-e Leila (2022)
Oppenheimer (2023)
The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
Ghasideyeh gave sefid (Ballad of a White Cow) (2020)
Die Höhle des gelben Hundes (The Cave of the Yellow Dog) (2005)
Ouistreham (Between Two Worlds) (2021)
Bacalaureat (Graduation) (2016)
It Must Be Heaven (2019)
Punch-Drunk Love (2002)
Interstellar (2014)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
Frantz (2016)
Hidden Figures (2016)
Memoria (2021)
Wolfsburg (2003)
Gespenster (Ghosts) (2005)
Terug Naar Morgen (Sum of Histories) (2015)
The Skeleton Key (2005)
Your Sister's Sister (2011)
The Gentlemen (2019)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Suicide Squad (2016)
Du levande (You, the Living) (2007)
Sånger från andra våningen (Songs from the Second Floor) (2000)
Om det oändliga (About Endlessness) (2019)
Empire of the Sun (1987)
Pororoca (2017)
Badkonake sefid (The White Balloon) (1995)
Verdens verste menneske (The Worst Person in the World) (2021)